JCCFF - Movie Night Institut Finlandais


L'événement est terminé.


JCCFF welcome you to a movie night at the Institut Finlandais in Paris.


Once Upon A Time In A Forest

A film by Virpi suutari


Friends of the Forest is a documentary that follows a group of activists determined to protect Finland's last remaining coniferous forest. The film highlights the ecological feelings of the protagonists, particularly through the point of view of 22-year-old Ida: the documentary explores the relationship she has with nature and the militant commitment that inevitably follows. Virpi Suutari sensitively captures contemporary environmental issues and the intense emotions of a young generation confronted with climate change.


Date : Thursday 10 October

Time : 19h00

Participants are welcomed to have a drink at the Institut Finlandais Café Maa before the movie starts.


Registration deadline is Thursday 10 octobre at 12h00

Places for this event are limited, for this reason registration is binding.

Last minute cancellation will be invoiced.


For all information, please refer to the following address: 



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