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Arvostelu - CCFF Business Lunch on 28.06

Cercle Suédois'n 28. kesäkuuta järjestämän liikelounaan katsaus Ranskalais-suomalainen kauppakamari järjesti 28. kesäkuuta kuukausittaisen Business...

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Business lunch- February

Organized around the theme of challenges and tensions in the global economy, the business lunch on February 8 brought together members of the CCFF in...

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Finnish-French Business Forum 2023

The Finnish-French Business Forum 2023 took place on Tuesday 26th of September 2023 in Helsinki. The event had three parts: a day-time seminar (at the...

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Hiring an employee in France or in Finland

Hiring an employee in France or in Finland The French-Finnish Chamber of Commerce had the opportunity on Thursday, May 25, to organize its first...

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Business Lunch - May

Organized around the theme of renewable energy, the business lunch on May 30 brought together members of the CCFF in Helsinki in an atmosphere marked...

CHECKFIN our new Premium Member

Get acquainted with CHECKFIN our new Premium Member at the French-Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Helsinki. What can Checkfin do for your Company ...